Middle East which is visible from the food (grapes) | NPO Parushikku ...

"Middle East living in feeling was that in Oman it was sharp it ... [After the skiing, swimming] is billed Lebanon. The [Lebanon] is the meaning of [white] in Arabic. Parallel to the Mediterranean coast, 000 ~, 000m class of the Lebanon Mountains and the Anti-Lebanon Mountains, winter will beautifully Snow-Covered. Snow brings the melts in the spring, one of the mountains sandwiched by elevation, the rich underground water in Bekaa plateau of 000m, from the grapes that are grown in the soil of the mineral-rich calcareous, is born good wine. Grape cultivation of Lebanon, dates back to 000 years ago. The Bekaa plateau, worship the God Bacchus of wine (Dionysus in Greek mythology) and left temple of the Roman era, in the year was registered as a World Heritage Site. Still Cabernet Sauvignon, Cinsault species of grapes are grown, but is Bekaa is the wine regions of the best Lebanon, if traced back to 00 years ago, the crop which is the center of agriculture was Mulberry. Mulberry is called [Tuto], it has been popular in syrup and ice cream. The purpose of the time of cultivation, but rather in the leaves than the actual, it was for sericulture.

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